Agri -Climate Outlooks

Supporting Australia’s agricultural sector to better understand and manage short-term climate risks as well as build long-term resilience.

Brahman cattle ALMABIN
ALMABIN 1680256356 78
ALMABIN 1502670184 2
ALMABIN 1682221124 20
ALMABIN 1518983588 0

Decision-support for growers

This initiative enhanced seasonal outlook information and provided relevant, interpretable products and services to support better decision making and greater resilience for Australian farmers, fishers and foresters.

This investment resulted in:

  • the establishment of a dedicated team of agri-climate specialists to provide relevant insights to support farmers, fishers and foresters (growers) with decision-making
  • easy to understand forecast briefings and insights for grain, sugarcane and rice growers, including via media outlets as well as region-specific videos accessible via social media channels
  • foundational work to provide tailored training modules for growers and advisors to help them accurately interpret and utilise weather, climate and water products to inform agricultural decisions
  • research to identify improvements to Australia's high calibre sovereign seasonal forecasting
  • a deep dive discovery phase with grains, cotton and fisheries, that identified sector-specific products which could be tailored to their growers' specific decision-making needs

An example of the decision support provided to growers through this initiative includes tailored climate outlook videos. Examples of climate outlooks videos for grains and sugarcane are below or you can view all the videos via the dedicated playlist.

Grain Outlook

Sugarcane Outlook


AIA facilitated cross-sectoral investment into Agri-Climate Outlooks via a collaboration of eight Rural Research and Development Corporations: Meat & Livestock Australia, Australian Eggs, Australian Wool Innovation, AgriFutures Australia, Grains Research and Development Corporation, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, and Sugar Research Australia.

Sugar Research AustraliaFRDCAustralian Wool Innovation LimitedAustralian EggsCRDCGRDCAgriFuturesMLA